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Quick Examples For Generating Dummy Data

You can generate random and dummy data in mocked responses using Beeceptor's faker helper. This page offers commonly used examples, like generating UUIDs, random numbers, currencies, country codes, names, and more. For comprehensive details, please refer to the faker syntax and attribute library.

Common Examples and Usage

Here are some common examples showcasing how to use faker syntax for dynamic data (or HTTP response) generation.

ExampleDescriptionSample Output
{{faker 'string.uuid'}}Generates a random UUID.
{{faker 'person.firstName'}}Generates a random first name.John
{{faker 'person.firstName' 'female'}}Generates a random first name.Victoria
{{faker 'person.lastName'}}Generates a random last name.Doe
{{faker 'phone.number'}}Generates a random phone number.(555) 555-5555
{{faker 'image.url'}}Generates a random image URL.
{{faker '' '100'}}Generates a random number up to 100.42
{{faker '' '{min:500, max:600}'}}Generates a random number between 500 to 600.563
{{faker 'location.streetAddress'}}Generates a random street address.123 Main St.
{{faker ''}}Generates a random city name.New York
{{faker 'location.zipCode'}}Generates a random ZIP code.10001
{{faker 'location.state'}}Generates a random state.California
{{faker ''}}Generates a random country name.United States
{{faker 'location.street'}}Generates a random street name.Elm Street
{{faker ''}}Generates a random email
{{faker 'date.recent' 'utc'}}Generates a recent date.2024-09-12T19:09:09Z
{{faker 'date.past' 'utc'}}Generates a past date.2020-08-14T11:45:12Z
{{now 'utc'}}Get the current date & time.
(not part of faker)
{{faker 'datatype.boolean'}}Generates a random boolean value.true
{{faker ''}}Generates a random company name.Acme Corp
{{faker 'string.alphanumeric' '10'}}Generates a random alphanumeric string.ZiqkdyGYoV
{{faker 'commerce.productName'}}Generates a random product name.Gorgeous Cotton Shoes
{{faker 'commerce.price'}}Generates a random price / currency.878.00
{{faker 'lorem.word'}}Generates a random word.turbo
{{faker 'lorem.sentence'}}Generates a random sentence.
Baiulus curtus crinis cognomen adopto cariosus tabula odio.
{{faker 'lorem.paragraph'}}Generates a random paragraph.
Animadverto deprimo claustrum libero arbustum cunabula tremo tero considero arcus. Vesica dedecor tondeo corporis amet cursim a fuga. Cupio facilis testimonium arbor stips.
{{faker 'internet.userName'}}Generates a random username.Baron.Muller94
{{faker 'internet.url'}}Generates a random URL.

Enabling Template Engine

To get started, check the following checkbox when editing a rule. This will enable the template engine and allow the use of faker syntax.
