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Best Alternative to JSONPlaceholder

When developing web or mobile applications, the developers often rely on APIs. However at many times they need mock or sample APIs to simulate real data and interactions. One popular service for this purpose has been JSONPlaceholder, which provides free fake REST APIs for testing and prototyping. While it's an excellent tool for basic use cases, it has its limitations when projects require more customization, flexibility, or enhanced debugging features.

Here comes Beeceptor. It is an advanced, user-friendly, and highly customizable mock API server that outshines JSONPlaceholder, offering a better alternative for developers. With features like pre-built mock APIs, real-time HTTP debugging, and seamless integration with your local environment, Beeceptor takes API testing and prototyping to the next level.

Why Look for Alternatives to JSONPlaceholder?

JSONPlaceholder is widely used for testing basic REST API calls, but there are a few specific reasons why you might need an alternative:

  • Readonly Use Cases Only: JSONPlaceholder provides static APIs. There are available only for retrieving and doesn't support update and delete operations.

  • Limited Customization: JSONPlaceholder offers a set of fixed endpoints with predefined data, which can be limiting for advanced use cases. You can't modify or customize responses based on your specific requirements.

  • No Debugging Support: JSONPlaceholder lacks HTTP debugging or logging features, which means you can’t inspect the request and response details in real time.

When you need a more powerful mock capabilities, Beeceptor give you everything for faster prototyping and integration.

Why Beeceptor

Beeceptor is a comprehensive mock API platform designed for developers who need flexibility, speed, and control over their API mocking environment. Whether you need to create custom responses, debug incoming requests, or work with pre-built mock APIs, Beeceptor covers it all.

Key Features of Beeceptor:

  • Pre-built Mock APIs: Ready-to-use public mock APIs for common use cases.
  • Customizable Responses: Tailor your mock API responses based on your project’s needs.
  • Real-time HTTP Debugging: Inspect and log incoming requests in real time, making it easier to debug and improve your API interactions.
  • Local Tunnel Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your local development environment.
  • No Code Setup: Create and test your mock APIs without writing a single line of code.

Pre-Built Mocks for the Community

One of Beeceptor’s standout features is its library of pre-built mock APIs, available for the developer community to use for free. These mock APIs cater to a variety of common scenarios, allowing you to jumpstart your project without having to configure everything from scratch.

Example: Pre-built Mocks for Common Use Cases

  • User Management: Endpoints for CRUD operations on users (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Authentication: Pre-configured endpoints to simulate login and logout.
  • Product Catalogs: Mock APIs to test e-commerce applications, with endpoints for retrieving, adding, or updating products.

list of apis

How to Use These Pre-Built Mocks

Using Beeceptor's pre-built mocks is incredibly simple. You don't need to sign up to get started. Choose from the available mock templates, and you’ll be able to access these APIs directly from your app.

List of static users: This API always returns a fixed set of users.


List of random user: Get a list of users whose names and data is generated dynamically. All the information returned here is fake.


Refer to this link for all freely available APIs:

Custom Mock APIs with Beeceptor

While pre-built mocks are useful, sometimes you need full control over your mock API responses. Beeceptor lets you create custom APIs in minutes, allowing you to define exactly how your mock API should behave.

How to Create a Custom Mock API

  • Create an Endpoint: Define your mock API endpoint in Beeceptor's intuitive dashboard.
  • Configure Response: Set custom response headers, status codes, and JSON response bodies.
  • Test and Debug: Use Beeceptor’s real-time HTTP inspector to test your API and log requests.

Example: Mocking an API for a User Management System Let’s say you’re building a user management system and need an API that returns user details. With Beeceptor, you can easily configure an endpoint that simulates a GET request to /users/123, returning the following JSON response:

"id": 123,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""

Key Differentiators of Beeceptor

  • User-Friendly Interface: Unlike JSONPlaceholder, Beeceptor offers a visually intuitive dashboard where you can create, modify, and manage your mock APIs without any coding.

  • Real-time HTTP Debugging: Beeceptor provides built-in HTTP request and response logging, helping you debug API interactions in real time. You can easily see how your app communicates with the API and make adjustments on the fly.

  • Integration with Local Development Environments: You can use Beeceptor alongside your local development server to simulate APIs that you may not have built yet, allowing you to work on frontend development while the backend is still under construction.

  • Flexible Request/Response Customization: Customize the response based on headers, query parameters, or even request bodies. This flexibility makes it possible to simulate more complex scenarios like conditional responses or webhooks.

Comparative: Beeceptor vs. JSONPlaceholder

Here’s a side-by-side comparison to highlight why Beeceptor is the superior alternative to JSONPlaceholder:

Custom ResponsesNoYes, fully customizable
Real-time DebuggingNoYes
Pre-built MocksBasicComprehensive library
User InterfaceNoneVisual dashboard
Integration OptionsLimitedSupports local tunnels
ScalabilityLimitedScalable and flexible

Beeceptor exceeds JSONPlaceholder in nearly every aspect, making it a powerful tool, real-time and easiest tool for API integrations. Give it a try today!