Build CRUD APIs In A Few Seconds

Instant CRUD API

Speed up your development with standard
JSON Rest APIs for Create, Read, Update & Delete operations.

JSON Rest API Best Practices

Effortless Setup, Flexible Schema, and REST Principles Built-in. Start building now!

CRUD APIs architecture at Beeceptor
This sets up a web-server for CRUD operations. The APIs use JSON payloads, follow REST API best practices, and are backed by a persistent store.
Operation & JSON Rest API PathDescription
GET/api/users/Retrieves the recently created records.
GET/api/users/:idFetches a single object based on the provided ID.
POST/api/users/Creates a new object for the specified entity. If an identifier is not included in the request, a random unique value will be automatically generated.
PUT/api/users/:idUpdates an entire object, replacing its current state.
PATCH/api/users/:idUpdates an object partially, modifying only the fields specified in the request.
DELETE/api/users/:idPermanently deletes the specified object using its ID. Note that this action is irreversible.

Feeling Stuck with Slow Prototyping?
Speed Up Your Development With CRUD APIs.

Beeceptor's CRUD APIs require minimal setup - simply define the entity path, and our automatic configuration generates six standard JSON REST APIs for you. Easily push payloads of any schema without constraints, as Beeceptor supports flexible schema for data.

Beeceptor's No-Code CRUD APIs

Discover the power of Beeceptor's near-zero configuration CRUD APIs. Here are the top features:

Adaptive JSON Schema

Beeceptor accepts any JSON schema, whether it's flat or deeply nested. Enjoy the simplicity and directness—
what you push is what you get,
ensuring a seamless data experience.

Custom Identifier

With Beeceptor, you can define the identifier field as id, entityId, or objectID to tailor fit the requirements. Specify the identifier value from the frontend or let Beeceptor auto generate a random ID.

Multiple Entities

Build full-fledged apps with the ability to create and manage multiple entities independently using CRUD operations. You can perform filter and sort based on the parameters you've sent (coming soon).

Automatic Cleanup

Beeceptor automatically removes unused, older records, providing a clean, and headache-free development environment. Stay focused on what matters — preparing for demos and delivering exceptional value.

Why Do You Need A CRUD API?


Accelerate Your Innovation

Start with API-First approach with Beeceptor's CRUD APIs, and seamlessly integrate cloud storage into your projects. Skip the lengthy wait for backend API development and deployment. Focus on what matters most—bringing your big idea to life.


Bring Hands-On Experience

Enhance your teaching by giving students practical knowledge of today's web technologies and the API-First approach. Experiment with REST APIs and practice CRUD operations on Beeceptor for free. Build & showcase web and mobile apps without needing a backend.


Transform Your Ideas into Reality

With Beeceptor, you concentrate on perfecting the frontend and delivering value without getting bogged down by the complexities of API development and data storage. Start fast, iterate quickly, and showcase your projects with confidence.