What is a Beeceptor endpoint?

A Beeceptor endpoint is a specialized HTTP server configured to send customized HTTP responses. It operates through a unique sub-domain, facilitating mock API server, HTTP traffic analysis, and request routing to different servers.

To utilize it, replace the base URL of your HTTP/API server in your code with the Beeceptor endpoint URL. Each endpoint is assigned a dedicated sub-domain, formatted as my-server.proxy.beeceptor.com..

How to set up a mock server?

To create a mock server in Beeceptor, simply provide a name for the server from the home page. Mocking rules can then be added to specify the desired responses for specific routes. When a request path matches a rule, Beeceptor will send the pre-defined response. To begin, send a request and click "Create Rule" to set up the response. Beeceptor automatically captures the request details, allowing customization of the response with status codes, headers, and bodies. Creating a mock server and defining mocking rules is a quick and easy process with Beeceptor. Check out setting up mocking routes to know more about this.

What is a dashboard?

A dashboard is a place where you can intercept and review all incoming requests coming to an endpoint. The Beeceptor dashboard allows you to inspect HTTP payload and set up mocks. When request to my-endpoint.proxy.beeceptor.com, the request & responses are visible on the dashboard page beeceptor.com/console/my-endpoint to inspect the payloads.
beeceptor dashboard demo

Are the endpoints secure or private?

Free endpoints are public.

  • Anyone having a link to the dashboard can see incoming requests. Copy and share the dashboard URL.
  • On the dashboard, you see the number of online users for that endpoint.

Does Beeceptor support HTTPs?

Yes! Beeceptor supports HTTPs. You can send requests with HTTP and HTTPs, both. In addition, Beeceptor supports HTTP/2 as well.

Does Beeceptor support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)?

Beeceptor supports CORS by default. This will ease making a cross-domain request from any webpage.

  • All OPTIONS calls are accepted by default and you don't need to create rules.
  • All the responses contain Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header making API consumption easier.
Check out the Origin Whitelist documentation to know more about this.

What is 'Proxy Setup'?

Beeceptor's proxy configuration functions as an advanced man-in-the-middle (MITM) mechanism, enabling intricate control over API traffic for integration and testing. It routes requests to a designated target domain, with responses from this domain being transmitted back through Beeceptor. This setup is pivotal in monitoring and modifying API interactions in real-time, thus significantly enhancing debugging and testing capabilities. Check out the HTTP Proxy Mode documentation to know more about this.

Ho the behavior of a 3rd party API?

Beeceptor is an advanced MITM proxy that elevates your API mocking and integration capabilities. If you're utilizing a 3rd party API, you can wrap its endpoint with Beeceptor's sub-domain to gain complete control over the traffic that passes through it. This grants you the ability to easily review all the HTTP communication and record it. Further, you can build mock rules for some or all requests giving you unparalleled flexibility while testing your application.

Can I use this for load/performance testing? (i.e. 100+ requests/sec)

Yes, with paid plans. Refer pricing page to find a suitable plan and upgrade. Feel free to reach out to us if your requirements are beyond this.

Can I see the request history for an endpoint or mock server?

Yes, with the Team plan and above. Refer Request History documentation.

How much does Beeceptor cost?

Beeceptor serves as a cloud-based HTTP server, allowing you to tailor responses as needed. Its instant deployment feature enhances your ability to test, experiment, and debug, while also managing request routing efficiently.

  • Beeceptor is free for public endpoints with a limit on daily requests. Feel free to spread your love and share feedback.
  • Beeceptor comes with awesome features with paid plans. These are private endpoints, request history, sharing with the team, email support, API access, OpenAPI support, etc. Refer to the pricing page for a detailed comparison.

Can I manage mocking routes/rules using APIs?

Yes, Beeceptor's APIs allow you to programmatically create, update, and manage mocking rules and routes. Additionally, you can retrieve request histories, enabling seamless integration with Continuous Integration (CI) and Integration Tests. For more comprehensive guidance and detailed instructions on using these APIs, please refer to Beeceptor's API Documentation page.

What is the privacy policy?

For comprehensive details, please refer to Privacy Policy here. Beeceptor, designed for HTTP request and response inspection, emphasizes privacy and data security in its operations. While it stores endpoint details and the request's content (including URLs, headers, and payloads, etc) security measures are in place. Users are cautioned against transmitting sensitive data like production secrets or API keys through free endpoints. For enhanced privacy, paid plans offer private endpoints, and users are recommended to use unique endpoint names and HTTP headers for additional security validation by Beeceptor.

How Beeceptor is different from RequestBin or Mocky.io?

RequestBin helps by letting us inspect what the client is sending, and Mocky.io creates dummy endpoints to send mocked responses. Beeceptor covers both in one tool letting you inspect requests and build mock responses.

In addition, Beeceptor has more features to be your one-stop API development companion.

How long does Beeceptor keep HTTP and API request data?

Beeceptor adheres to a well-defined data retention policy, carefully balancing operational requirements with a commitment to data privacy. Here's what you need to know:

  • Request Storage: All HTTP/API requests sent to the mock endpoint are stored for 15 days. Following this period, the data is automatically purged. This stored information encompasses the request and response payloads, headers, and other relevant details.
  • Application Logs Beeceptor retains application logs for 30 days. These logs serve critical purposes such as auditing, providing support, and monitoring our services. They contain minimal information like request paths, status codes, and source IP addresses. However, it's important to note that application logs do not retain request/response payloads or headers. Furthermore, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is never present in these logs, ensuring the utmost protection of sensitive information.

How do I delete all the stored requests on Beeceptor?

Requests sent to Beeceptor are automatically purged 15 days after their receipt. However, if you need to clear them earlier, Beeceptor offers an API feature for this. With an active Team plan or higher, you can use a DELETE API call to trigger an immediate purge of all stored requests.

What's the procedure for removing an endpoint in Beeceptor?

The process for deleting an endpoint on Beeceptor varies depending on whether you're using a free or paid plan:

  • Free Endpoints:To clean up a free endpoint, simply remove all mocking rules, proxy setups, and other configurations. This makes the endpoint available for others to use. Keep in mind, free endpoints are public and can be reused by anyone. Additionally, free endpoints are automatically deleted after 90 days of inactivity to ensure we can keep offering the free plan and make resources available for new users. This deletion occurs without prior notice.
  • Paid Endpoints:If you have a paid endpoint and wish to delete it, please contact our support team for assistance. Paid endpoints are not deleted as long as the subscription is active. However, if your subscription has been inactive for more than 12 months, we will send you a notification email before cleaning up the endpoint.

How do I delete my account?

Deleting your Beeceptor account is straightforward. After logging in, simply navigate to the 'Edit Account' page where you'll find the option to delete your account. Check this guide to delete your account.


  • Mock a rest API in seconds.
  • Build a fake API without any coding.
  • Customizable responses to simulate API responses and failures.
  • Load testing your APIs without passing the load to the downstream APIs.
  • Simulate latencies and timeouts of downstream APIs (validate rarely reachable code paths)
  • Local tunneling for webhook development. Expose your local port to the world.
  • Host your OpenAPI specification with and generate mocks out of the box.
  • Say goodbye to the static mocked response. You can now send dynamic responses by picking request payload parameters or query parameters.
  • Conduct A/B testing by switching API endpoints or versions without any redeployment. This is useful when you want to check API behaviors from two environments, e.g. prod code vs sandbox code.
  • Don't block your UI devs when backend APIs are still in development. Just mock it!
  • Create endpoints for webhooks and inspect incoming payloads.